Training - Law Enforcement Officer
Training Guide for LEO
Purpose: To standardize the training of new recruits to provide the best roleplaying experience for all members.
(Ensure understanding): Ask why it's important, what does this mean, have them demistraight etc. Ensure they fully understand. For all in all aspects of LEO training.
Recruit should be able to locate department specific SOP, Penal Code, and In-Game command list in Teamspeak 3 / CAD System.
Per SOP: Check Uniform compliance per department.
Per SOP: Spawn Vehicle (change Extras on their own time)
Go over Livery commands, and inform them they are not permitted to change any part of it.
Per SOP: Equipment setup (equipment commands) They are not to change anything.
Go over LI-Dar
“Y” key to turn it on, and limitations.
If they have already created a character that they wish to be LEO prior to training they need to use #ask-coc to start the process to have it corrected in the database. Or submit a name change through the CAD and the reason why. (Submitting a name change request will NOT get your character changed to LEO. This is only if you want to re-purpose the character.)
LEO Equipment
Go over what equipment they have in their vehicle and person.
Outside of their normal loadout they have and go over usage.
First Aid Kit
Fire Extinguisher
Scene Tape
Traffic Cones
Narcotics Test Kit - For field testing samples for positive/negative narcotics results. This is not the mouth swab, you can only put in a small amount of suspected drugs into the vial, shake, then the color it turns (if any) determines the narcotic. If it stays clear it's not a detectable drug.
Carbine Rifle and Shotgun in vehicle rack. (Ride along partners may keep their weapons in the trunk.)
Latex Gloves
Road Flares
Duty Bag containing ticket books, notepads, pens, and reports.
Spike strips.
Plate Carrier - if not worn for duty.
Rain Jacket
High Visibility Vest - for traffic control.
Extra equipment such as batteries, cable ties, tape, and hand sanitizer.
Only TEU can administer field sobriety tests, this includes the breathalyzer.
An at-station breathalyzer can be used by officers if no TEU is on, or a blood draw at a hospital if probable cause exists.
Ensure that RTO is followed at all times
Ensure they know how to do proper call outs ( Give them scenarios and tell them to do the call out for it.)
Do’s and Don'ts of comm traffic
No unnecessarily long transmissions, or long pauses.
No fluff wording (Unnecessary info, ummm’s, ect.)
Keep it Short and to the point with all relevant info.
Officer Expectations
They are to be Kind, courteous, and professional at all times.
This includes reciting key things such as:
Miranda Rights
Anything on you that’s going to poke me, stick me or hurt me?
Higher expectations from now on, at all times, since they are trained they know better. (Even off duty, act accordingly. Remember you are a Civ off duty not a LEO)
What they can do (Take pictures, bag/collect certain evidence, get contact info, statements)
Basic scene contamination protection.
What they can’t do (Dust and lift prints/run prints, DNA, Interrogations, Breathilyzers, ect.) They can however call for the County to do it for them.
They can do interviews, and interrogations in the field, and at the station. They can’t offer plea deals, or payments etc. that fall under CIU. They can however bluff to get information.
The basic difference here is that an interview is typically a less formal and less accusatory conversation whose main point is to elicit information whereas an interrogation is formal and is mainly designed to get a suspect to confess.
In plain sight investigation/inquiry upon approach, active/passive policing, don’t tunnel vision, etc.
Understanding title 14
De Escalation not escalation
The force continuum:
Know the difference between probable cause vs. reasonable suspicion
If a person(s) are being arrested for (X) reason, tell them that they are under arrest, what they’re being charged with, read them their rights preferably before putting them in your vehicle. There are circumstances where it's not required. They however, do need to be searched before they are in the back of your vehicle.
Starting Patrol/Setup
Starting Patrol:
Arriving at LEO Station already dressed for duty, or creating an off duty version to drive in (on their own time). Link the MP creation video if they don’t know how yet:
Once you are in Uniform and/or signed into that CAD you are considered on duty. Since you now represent your respective LEO departments.
Talk about RP gathering your equipment.
Spawning vehicle (crown Vics only for trainees, any for trainers just keep in mind their limitations).
How to set up the CAD/MDT in steam overlay.
Ensure understanding of the I to 1, and O to 0 issue in the CAD, along with other limitations/needs such as running the RO separate in NCIC
Setting self in-game, checking BOLOs, AOP, etc.
Understanding quick buttons, status, location, etc. Go over all of them and demonstrate.
IN-game command list, show them how to get to it, and how to navigate it.
Proper use of Panic Button
Dead officers can’t push buttons =(
Inform them of /panic and 10-99
10-33 is now priority traffic, go over how to properly use it.
Need to give location and identifiers.
Ending Patrol:
Driving to the station, deleting vehicles.
Setting self out-of-game / notifying Dispatch or channel
IRL Emergency procedures (Let SOMEONE quickly know)
Properly exiting FiveM.
No more than four cars in a patrol (two people in one car is Car1 only a max of four is permitted)
(Ensure understanding)
Advance Weapons Training
Requirements: Acknowledge and understand
Proper Usage and restrictions of the M4 or Carbine (longarm)
No full Auto (certain divisions can, with the right weapon)
Have the trainee’s one at a time demonstrate the difference between semi/burst, and full auto.
Less than Lethal means less likely to kill a person however under certain circumstances it will or can just as likely as a Lethal weapon.
Category: Less than Lethal
Clearly state and inform others that you are switching to a taser/less than lethal.
Give at least one warning, if they don’t comply they will be tased.
Call out Taser Taser when firing it.
Do Not tase someone Who is
Near a ledge (once tased they can fall off)
On a ladder
Jumping or climbing over obstacles
Direct Skin to water contact (ankle deep or more in a body of water) They now complete a circuit and could be electrocuted depending on many factors, but is still remote, but mainly a drowning risk.
On a elevated surface
Is known to have a pacemaker (They have stated they a pacemaker and it is proven(ed) or well known from previous encounters)
On a moving motorcycle
Note - Tasers are used when a person is a danger to themselves or others but is not a direct threat in such a manner that deadly force would be appropriate – typically a suicidal individual with a bladed weapon. They are intended to disable the person without killing them.
Advanced Techniques
Roadblocks are to be only used when requested by the primary unit in the pursuit, or the supervisor.
One police Vehicle can only block one lane, multiple lanes require multiple vehicles.
Emergency Lights must be on.
Officer must be out of vehicle
Officer should not be hiding behind their vehicle (they will squish you)
Try to find hard cover
If you are, the tailing units form your own road blocks and box them in.
Spikestrips are to be only used when requested by the primary unit in the pursuit, or the supervisor in the pursuit. It is to be considered Lethal force.
Consider all conditions before use, remember when you blow out the tires the person loses control of said vehicle. Try to minimize risk to all.
Cannot be used when there are hostages in the vehicle
Be mindful of other vehicles LEO, CIV, AI Don’t pop their tires.
Can not be used until 10 minutes after the pursuit.
Explain the exception
Utilizing subdivision assets when applicabl
Radar Use
Make sure they know how to do a basic setup of the radar system (Wraith ARS 2x) this should not take much longer the old way. This does not include UI, that they can do on their own time.
This system allows speed tracking of two vehicles. Strong signals, and fast signals. Strong just means large vehicles like bus’s or trucks, and fast vehicles that are smaller/going faster. So people can’t dodge radar thinking they can whip in and out of large vehicles.
Num pad 7 locks and unlocks front ant, num pad 4 lock and unlocks rear ant.
Num pad 9 to lock and unlock the front reader, and num pad 6 to lock and unlock the rear reader.
K key for small key set mode. Uses 1 2 3 4 in the order above instead of the num pad.
Key lock is “F5”
SL Sen, OP Sen or Same lane sensitivity, opposite lane sensitivity respectively. Is the range of the radar, 1 shortest: 5 longest.
Plt Sen is plate sensitivity, or the range at which it reads. 1 shortest: 5 longest.
Beep is loudness 1 lowest: 5 highest.
PLt AUd or plate audio, the voice that tells you you are locked into a plate. loudness 1 lowest: 5 highest.
Units MPH or KPH
Traffic Stop
Location - ON AN ACTUAL ROAD WITH TRAFFIC (Somewhere in the city)
Understanding the procedures of a traffic stop.
Proper angling of the Vehicle, and its tires and why it's important.
Always do a Licence Plate check and a NCIC check prior to making contact. (Ensure understanding)
Understands which precautions to take on traffic stop, deadmans ally, B-post cover ect.
Can use proper RTO during a traffic stop, keeping all transmissions short, and to the point.
RP opportunities, such as but not limited to “In plain view”
Back-up duties and responsibilities.
How to properly transport a subject to the station if needed. (Routine)
All trainee’s must demonstrate and correctly perform all aspects of a traffic stop.
Low Risk Warrant Take Down
Location - ON AN ACTUAL ROAD WITH TRAFFIC (Somewhere in the city)
Starts the same as a normal Traffic Stop. Get their info, Confirm that this is their ID, with their name (Can you confirm the name on this ID for me sir?) or /me checks to see if the person matches the person in the picture. Need to be done for each individual.
Ensure that the person you are interacting with is in fact, the person with said warrant. (Check their ID.)
Recruit should understand when and how to call in for additional units. Backup unit is required. (234-S to dispatch, requesting backup for a Low Risk Take Down.)
Recruit can get suspects out of the vehicle calmly without incident through voluntary compliance, they can lie to get them out however that can escalate the situation so be prepared. The broken tail light is not the best way.
How to safely detain them once they are out. (You can perform a Terry frisk and use that to grab and cuff them).
Understanding how to transport and search suspect
/cuff [id] + /grab [id] + /release [id]
All trainee’s must demonstrate and correctly perform all aspects of a low risk warrant takedown.
High Risk Warrant Take Down
Location - ON AN ACTUAL ROAD WITH TRAFFIC (Somewhere in the city)
Understands when and how to do High Risk stops. Known or suspected for Felonious violent crimes (attempted murder, murder, etc.) Unregistered vehicle.
Backup unit is required.
“Double Slant” technique for additional responding unit to high risk felony stops, all vehicles angled in the same direction to provide cover for driving in comparison to suspect. (Your engine block = Cover)
Introduced to both Primary and secondary rolls, start with primary.
Recruit Understands and demonstrates proper commands.
Driver, Lower your window. (wait for compliance repeat as needed) Driver place both of your hands on the outside of the door. (wait for compliance repeat as needed) Driver with your Left hand only, take the keys out of the ignition, and throw them out of the window, and place your hand back. (wait for compliance repeat as needed) Driver with your right hand, open the door from the outside. Step out and face away from me with your hands up. (wait for compliance, repeat as needed) Walk back to the sound of my voice. (give necessary instructions for subject to be just in front of primaries door, with enough room to work in)
Can demonstrate proper handling of the suspect.
Cuffs subject, takes them back to the driver side back panel for cover. Searches, then sticks them in the back of the patrol vehicle.
Be able to properly clear vehicle after suspect is in custody
Avoid crossfire situations.
Use “2 man shoulder-to-shoulder” for clearing.
Not walking in front of the vehicle.
Repeat commands and processes for any additional person in the vehicle.
Recruit should learn the additional unit’s role.
Lead in clearing the vehicle.
Responsible for calling in when they are on scene to begin priority RTO, and to call in when the felony stop is over, and to move their vehicle into the standard backup position.
All trainee’s must demonstrate and correctly perform all aspects of a high risk warrant takedown.
Vehicle Pursuit
Location - City
Note - This also doubles as the EVOC.
Explain Primary / Secondary / 3rd and so on and their roles.
Should be in control of the vehicle at all times during pursuit.
Officer safety and the public's safety is paramount, call off the pursuit if too dangerous.
Use other resources to help maintain safety.
No PIT Maneuvers used in OCRP Gaming
Roadblocks, Spikes when the situation calls for it, and natural resolution via Civilian screwing up. If we don't teach it, they can't do it.
10 minutes must pass prior to the use of officer initiated pursuit ending techniques (Spikes only). The exception to this is disregard to human life, example shooting at officers or the public.
Go over Codes, and their proper uses. (routine, expedited routine (Code 1), Code 2, Code 3).
Officer discretion on what code to use within reason. (No code 3 to a purse snatching that happened already with no one in danger and the suspect has already fled)
Routine - normal driving while not on a call. Another use is when responding to a call and you do not want to alert the suspect, individuals or others that you are close by or on site. Or responding to calls where there is no risk to life, or excessive damage to property.
Expedited Routine (code 1) - Lights and short sound cues through intersections only. Normal driving otherwise. Used to get to calls a little sooner, but remaining within normal traffic laws. Can also be used to sneak up on a scene within reason you will still have to do some sort of audio cue to get through the intersection. So It could alert whomever it is.
Code 2 - Lights on until reaching the scene, sound cues through intersections, and as needed to avoid collisions. Can be used to get to a call sooner as there is some urgency needed. There is no risk to life, but significant risk to property or livelihood that is in progress, with a high risk of the suspect(s) leaving prior to getting there by the other responses. Example is a call of a suspect trying to use several cards at an ATM that is not working. This could mean (depending on the call info) that the cards are stolen and will bolt when they feel the need to.
Code 3 - When life is at risk, whether the public or an officer. Full lights and sirens until at the scene. The only time property would be included is when the incident through proxy or by others ( building collapse, fire with possible people inside) will threaten human life.
Vehicle is on the road way and under good control
Explain why it's important to keep the vehicle on the ground.
If the wheels don't touch the ground, then braking and turning isn’t going to happen.
Why do we pass on left, not right.
When turning left, people use their turn signal, and look behind them instinctively, while they do not do so for when they are turning right.
Proper intersection clearing procedures. Explain Why
Extremely minimal damage to a vehicle (desync recognized)
Keep up with the vehicle in front of them. Is expedient.
Uses emergency lanes when needed.
Foot Pursuit
Location - Have the Vehicle Pursuit end with a foot chase.
Understands roles of weapons
Force escalation, the force pyramid
Understand how to properly end a foot chase safely.
Don’t run blindly after the person(s) into an unknown, set up a perimeter then clear it.
Roleplay of getting tired, falling, or anything else that comes along, this includes officers as well as civilians.
Do not blindly run into areas (buildings or lots of places to hide) after a subject. It makes it too easy to kill or injure the officer.
Call for more units to clear the area as a team. Set up a perimeter depending on the seriousness of the situation.
If you lose sight, call it out, immediately search the area, then call in BOLO if necessary.
Barricaded Suspect
Location - Use a medium sized interior. (try to keep time to a minimal, keep them moving and focused)
Show basic setup and dealing with a barricaded subject
Negotiation is not needed (for training) they suspect is clearly not interested indicated by gun shots at county Negotiation team
How to set up a basic perimeter (one officer per corner)
Communication is key to make this work
The more officers the safer
Clearing the building
Basic clearing nothing extreme (County units take over as perimeter officers)
How to go room by room and not lead dead areas
When clearing a room one officer needs to cover the hallway facing the area(s) that have not been cleared.
Communication is key to survive
After primary sweep (the initial sweep to clear), Secondary sweep is needed (to ensure all areas have been searched, no suspects or victims are left behind.)
Perimeter officers should remain in place until secondary is complete
Use other subdivisions (who)
Ending Notes
In Game Commands
Hospital + Jail scripts
Proper Jailing is required or discipline issued to officers performing arrest.
Penal Code (Read it! Have it up when patrolling!)
Players to AI is also a thing for Roleplay.
Make sure the recruit understands and agrees to follow rules of OCRP Gaming.
Question Time!
Congratulate recruit on passing/Correct any failings
Log the training completion.
Ensure trainee is given proper CAD access to LEO
Assign LEO Tag to trainee via TS3, and Discord.
Encourage new trainees to conduct ride-alongs with seasoned officers.
Last updated