Training - Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
Topic or Unit of Study: Game Warden.
Grade/Level: Basic.
Objective: Qualify members for Park Ranger Sub Division in OCRP Gaming.
Time Allotment: One Hour.
Training Overview
Game Warden training enables members to understand the basic rules and roleplay of being a Fish and Game Officer in the State of San Andreas. This will help you understand the basic rules and regulations we require you to follow to function within this subdivision within our FiveM Community.
In server, we expect all members to role-play. In this training we will guide you through the basics of role-playing as a Game Warden and understanding the goals and objectives of this work. Completion of this training is necessary to patrol as a member of this subdivision within OCRP Gaming.
Training Procedure
Welcome the trainees to the training. Topics covered will include important terms, phrases in the community, how to check for information relevant to your time in server, and understanding initial in-game limitations on what a Park Ranger should be doing.
During the following procedures, ensure the trainees are paying attention.
(Document) Have the SOP document handy and opened
Make sure the trainee has the proper loadout and uniform
Outline the area in the penal code where the Officers will most likely be working out of, Title 16.
Direct Instruction
Direct the trainee towards the Game Warden Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) document.
Use the SOP document as a reference guide should you need information or to check current rules for proper gameplay.
Guided Practice
General Principals:
Doing the right thing even when noone is looking, or as if your always being recorded.
Off Road Course
The trainee should be able to drive the Patrol car on the course provided without wrecking the vehicle. Any kind of major wreck or damage done to the vehicle will result in a fail of the course.
Explain that the course isn’t meant to be done in a code 3 fashion but code 2 maximum due to slow enough speeds, it’s not about speed it’s about doing the course safely and efficiently
Explain and show the trainee what type of hills and areas that the Officer is authorized to take the ATV or Truck off the marked paths.
Such as Grand Senora or flatter areas of Chiliad.
They should not directly try to go up or down slopes that are over 60 degrees.
Marksman Rifle (tranquilizer gun usage)
Go over that the rifle should not be used on people under any circumstance. Explain that if used on a person will result in the Removal from the Rangers.
Have the trainee demonstrate marksmanship ability with the Tranquilizer gun by shooting an animal at short- medium range
Have them demonstrate that by turning into an animal and have the trainee demonstrate when it's appropriate and necessary to take down an animal with little risk to others around it.
Instruct the trainee to clear the area around the animal that is needed to be tranquilized.
Have the trainee let the animal calm down prior to tranquilizing, if this is successful, attempt to guide the animal safely out of the area if close to a natural environment, or use bait to tempt it into a ‘cage’ for transport to a natural environment.
Have the trainee tranquilize the animal if this step becomes necessary if public safety is a factor.
Have the trainee properly cover the animal’s head and place them in the proper cage.
Explain to the trainee that after this they would take them to a natural environment and release the animal back into the wild.
Go over that opposite side of the target down range is clear of anyone or thing you do not wish to shoot
Properly subduing an animal
Go over proper use of force against a wild animal
When to utilise deadly force against an animal - public or officer safety is compromised, as with a human suspect.
If an animal is not showing signs of aggression, or its aggression is a symptom of fear due to human proximity utilise proper de escalation to calm the animal down.
Explain when working with any animals of potential threat make sure the general area is clear so that no one can be hurt.
Be able to properly demonstrate understanding of threats of animals. People need to understand what animals are considered dangerous. Such as:
Mountain lions
Deer if messed with
(consider every animal possibly dangerous at any point)
Show scenario based use of force.
For example, you need to know when an animal is considered a threat, such as a mountain lion. Unnecessarily using force against an animal is to be taught not to be used, IE not just shooting a lion on sight.
Explain to the trainee that many opportunities will come to RP certain scenarios especially with animals
Explain curtain instances such as…
Picking up a dead animal on the road
Taking care of poachers
Driving offroad in National parks
Random hunting and fishing permit spot checks.
Checking tags on animals that have been hunted
Making sure the hunter hasn’t gotten over the limit on kills (See Penal Code)
Trainer will set up a scenario that a ranger would most likely be dispatched to.
Animal attacking a person
Dead animal on the road
Trespassers in the parks
Hunter in the park (Tags and license check)
Transporting an animal to an animal hospital for treatment (Animal Ark, Rt68, Vets, Mirror Park)
In the scenario the recruit should display skills previously gone over in the training.
Check for Understanding
Take questions from the trainees and cover any topics that have arisen from going over the SOP or other in-game training so far.
Remember to ask yourself “Would this happen in real life”.
Requirements to pass:
Trainer feels trainee can understand / read SOP.
Trainer feels trainee can operate as a Game Warden effectively.
Trainer feels trainee can operate sub division vehicles correctly.
Trainer feels trainee can properly handle animals.
Trainer feels trainee can safely utilise tranquilizer gun.
Trainer feels trainee was professional during entire training.
Log the training completion, Training Logging Form
Assign Park Ranger Tag to trainee via TS3.
Encourage new trainee to conduct ride-alongs with seasoned Park Rangers for experience.
Apply Sub Division Discord Tag.
Log the training failure Training Logging Form
Ensure the trainee is given proper guidance on how to pass in the future.
Last updated