Training Guide
Created by Drake M.
Training Overview
Tactical EMS training enables currently trained ALS members to understand the basics of high risk medicine. To understand the saying “risk a lot to save a lot, Risk a little to save a little, risk nothing to save nothing”. With this in mind TEMS should know how to determine within a few seconds of being on scene who they can save and who will be harder to save. With that in mind the training that is going to take place is going to be identifying who to save first while keeping the medic out of harm's way as well.
Welcome the trainees to the training. Topics covered will include how/when to call in as a Quebec/Queen unit.
During the following procedures be sure the trainees are paying attention.
Have the SOP document handy and opened
Go over the SOP in detail. Make sure the trainees know what a TEMS Role is and know when to activate as one.
Make sure the trainee has the proper uniform and loadout.
Direct Instruction
Direct the trainees towards the TEMS Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) document.
Use the SOP document as a reference guide should you need information or to check current rules proper gameplay.
Guided Practice
General Principals
Doing the right thing even when no one is looking, or as if you are always being recorded.
Road Course
The trainees should be able to drive the FPIU on the course provided without wrecking the vehicle. Any signs of major wreck or damage done to the vehicle will result in a fail of the course
Explain that even though TEMS are authorized to be in a dangerous situation such as a shoot out. That they are to never be following a pursuit. The only time the TEMS vehicle is to leave the station involving a pursuit is when the pursuit has come to a stop and is still not code 4 yet.
Explain the course unlike the Fire/EMS driving course is to be done like a LEO responding code 3 to a dangerous situation with speed but under 100% control at all times
Also explain that even though the FPIU can be taken off of the pavement that is to not be going above 50 MPH on dirt roads.
Vehicle Cover
Go over procedures in when TEMS are pulling up on scene quickly coming to a stop while putting their vehicle in a good spot to use as cover.
Instruct the trainee that the driver side should always be facing away from the suspect.
Have the Trainee demonstrate their ability to come onto a dangerous scene at speed and be able to come to a stop with vehicular cover as soon as the vehicle is stopped and they are out.
Instruct the trainee to call when they are pulling up on scene and from which direction so that way LEO’s know that there is a TEMS unit speeding up from behind them and not to jump out in front of the vehicle. Only do so if the RTO is not urgently needed at that moment.
Have the trainees demonstrate how they would drive up on scene while being shot at.
Correct times and procedure to switch cover
Be sure to instruct the trainee that the proper time to change cover is when gun fire is not focused on them.
Instruct the trainee to know when and how to change cover quickly and safely so that they are not just running over long distances exposing themselves as a target.
Explain to the trainee when the correct times to transition cover in between gunfire.
Have the trainees demonstrate moving to cover while being shot at and knowing when proper times to move in between gun fire would be.
Instruct the trainees that they are to not be moving in front of the most advanced LEO while on scene.
Trainer will set up a scenario that a TEMS unit would most likely to be dispatched to.
Active Shooter in a Building - Breaching with Patrol Officers
Barricaded Subject with active Hot, Warm, and Cold Zones - Patient Extrication to Triage Center
Check For Understanding
Take Questions from the trainees and cover any topics that have arisen from going over the SOP or other in-game training so far.
Remember to ask yourself “Would this happen in real life”/
Requirements to pass:
Trainer feels trainee can understand/read SOP
Trainer feels trainee can operate as a TEMS effectively
Trainer feels the trainee can operate the subdivision vehicle correctly.
Trainer feels trainee can properly handle high stress medical situations
Trainer feels the trainee was professional during the entire training.
Log the training completion, Training Logging Form
Assign TEMS tag via TS3.
Update CAD.
Encourage Trainees to conduct ride-alongs with seasoned TEMS medics for experience.
Apply subdivision discord tag.
Log the training failure Training Logging Form
Ensure the trainee is given proper guidance on how to pass in the Future.
Last updated