Training - Dispatch
Hello, you have landed here because you have signed up for a dispatch training or plan on doing so. To get you set up and ready to roll we just need to do a few more things.
First of all, you will have to read the SOP. Make sure you are familiar with our procedures. The SOP is your handbook on “how to dispatch” in OCRP Gaming. It’s best to note down any questions you have, you will have time to ask them during your training.
When you have read the SOP, you can watch the CAD Training video. It explains how our CAD system works. If you want you can also take a look at the dispatcher cheat sheet. Now it’s time to get your files setup and ready to use. For dispatch, that’s not too much work. Just download our version of the address map to your computer and make sure you can read the street names and address codes that are on it. If it doesn’t work using the windows photo viewer, you can try using Photoshop, GIMP or other editing software. If you don’t have any software like this installed you can use a free software called That’s about it. Enjoy your training and we hope you have lots of fun dispatching at OCRP Gaming.
PS: A training usually lasts between 60-90 minutes depending on how many people sign up.
PPS: You can already take a peek and listen to the “Law Enforcement Radio Frequency” on TeamSpeak. Just put ***listening*** behind your name and mute your microphone.
This is a guide on how to do dispatch trainings. Some material is secured for the eyes of a trainer only. You can get your access with the dept. Head.
Post a training in #training-schedule that contains the following info:
Time of training in EST
Link to this document
Listing of trainees already signed up
Method for trainees to use to sign up
Up to 4 trainees are allowed per training.
Trainings must be posted 24h ahead of their starting time.
Once signed up a trainee cannot swap to a more convenient training or leave the training unless a valid reason is presented to the trainer prior to the training start time.
No shows:
If a person does not show up to a training or tells the trainer that they are going to miss the training the trainer must notify the #trainers channel.
No Show Process for New Recruits (I.E. Have No Tags)
1st No Show - First and final warning.
2nd No Show - Removal from community.
No Show Process for Additional Training Departments (I.E. Not Their First Tag)
1st No Show - Warning
2nd No Show - Not eligible to train in that department for 30 days. Final warning.
3rd No Show - Removal from community.
At the start of the training give trainees the option to ask questions if they have any. Make sure they have familiarized themselves with the CAD and SOP and have all their other materials ready.
It’s now time for the CAD portion. Set the trainee to “Trained” in the training roster and instruct them to go on duty in the training CAD. The trainees take turns now. Each of them gets to be the dispatcher, you represent all the units listed in the training CAD. Your job is to come up with 911 calls or reports of units now that the trainees have to handle. Try to do one of each minimum. After each dispatcher give feedback and suggestions. Every trainee gets 2 turns minimum, more if needed.
Let the trainees take the quiz and you pick a number (1-3) for them to do a random section of the quiz.
Quickly evaluate the responses of each individual trainee in the “replies” section or using the archive chart. A 100% correct response is not needed, use your judgement to determine whether or not a trainee passed.
After training
Trainee failed
Trainee passed
set training roster to untrained
fill out the Training form
post in #trainers
add the Operator tag on TeamSpeak
add the Dispatcher tag in Discord
fill out the Training form
post in #trainers
if the trainee is a recruit or wishes to transfer to Dispatch as his main department ping the department head
Last updated