SOP - Fire Investigations
Created by Drake M.
Mission Statement
The Office of Fire Investigation’s mission is to investigate all fires in order to ensure that the safety of a being was in no way compromised due to someone else's negligence. Also to ensure that all structures are equipped with fire prevention measures through fire code inspections. We work hand in hand with all subdivisions and departments to obtain the best outcome of all our investigations.
Chief Fire Marshal
Senior. Fire Marshal
Fire Marshal
CoC in depth
Head Fire Marshal: The Fire Marshal's duty is to overlook all of the subdivision.
Sr. Fire Marshal: The Sr. Marshal are the primary investigators. They are also responsible for training probes. Can bring the Fire Marshals to the scene to help collect evidence.
Fire Marshal: The job is to inspect buildings for potential fire hazards. Also make sure all buildings are up to fire code, get businesses into compliance with these codes. Can also do investigations.
*All applicants must be at least both CST trained and Fire Trained *
*No tattoos are permitted on the head, neck, or hands.*
Station Uniform:
Upper Body:
Button Up Shirt (Short Sleeve) 3, 92 (On-Scene
Winter: Button Up Shirt (Long Sleeve)
1, 90 (On-Scene
Short Sleeve Button Up
14,106 [On-Scene]
Button Up (Long Sleeve)
3,107 [On-Scene)
Lower Body:
86 (12)
89 (12)
Bags & Parachutes:
66 (5)
66 (5)
Scarfs & Chains:
1 or 8
1 or 8
Shirt & Accessory:
Body Armor & Accessory:
0 or 12 (1) [Button Up For Jacket Only] or 13, 14, or 37
14, 15, or 16
Shirt Overlay & Jacket:
Button Up Shirt (Short Sleeve) 74 (4)
Winter: Button Up Shirt (Long Sleeve)
75 (4)
[Short-sleeve Button-up]
25 (4)
[Long-sleeve Button-up]
26 (4)
Professional - Optional
Professional - Optional
Professional - Preferred
Professional - Preferred
On Person Equipment
Disposable Gloves
Combat Pistol
Test strips
Evidence bag
*Vehicles ARE NOT permitted to initiate or take part in a pursuit. Unless the following occurs, the only time you will be in a pursuit is when you find your suspect and they get in a car and take off. But if 2 marked units show up you break off and follow the pursuit, until the end location, if the suspect becomes barricaded then you are to break off completely and wait at the nearest police station until the scene is officially Code 4 and marked safe
Vehicle Name
2016 Ford FPIU
Used to carry equipment to and from scenes
General Irons
Small Battery Powered Power Tools
Bunker Gear
Tripod Scene Lighting
Box of Disposable Gloves
Box of Disposable Boot Covers
Air Filter Mask
Thermal Imaging
Air Quality Meters
Evidence Bags
Extra #1: Lightbar [Banned]
Extra #2: Ram Bar [Required]
Extra #3: Ram Bar Extension [Required]
Extra #4: Front Windshield Wigwags [Recommended]
Extra #5: Visor Lightbar [Required]
Extra #6: Extra Grill Lights [Required]
Extra #7: Turnout Gear [Required]
Extra #8: Spotlight [Allowed] (Can be moved with NumPads “8” & “5”)
Extra #9: Spotlight folded [Allowed]
Extra #10: Cellular & A/V Antennas [Required]
Extra #11: Command Light [Banned]
Extra #12: Radio Antennas [Required]
Code 3 to all Fire calls
Red and Black/ 3
Vehicle Name
Unmarked 2011 Ford Crown Victoria
Used Surveillance
Laptop Bag
Extra #1: Grill Lights
Extra #2: Dash Lights
Extra #3: Back Window Lights
Extra #4: Front Headlight Wigwags
Extra #5: Read Taillight Wigwags
Plate is CIVILIAN, but must be formatted like normal license plate (00XXX000)
No code used for Surveillance ONLY!!
Patrolling as OFI
When operating as an OFI unit your identifier will still be E. (e.g.) 100-E.
You are to advise dispatch that you are active as OFI working on an ongoing investigation or that you are a backup OFI. (e.g) “100-Y dispatch, 10-41, 10-8, able to go OFI if needed.”
If you are Fire. 100-F you can call in saying 100-F show me as 100-F/E at this time available and state the station you are at.
When operating as OFI you TeamSpeak is to look as follows. Adam A. 100-E
While on as OFI, You can only have OFI Trained members in the same car as you.
When you are on duty as E. You can go house fire calls. If other calls come in you ask the fire units if they need help
Going On-Duty
You are allowed to go on duty at a police station or the fire station
Self Defense Policy
You have a firearm for the following reason(s),
The firearm is to use only in a self-defense manner
Serving a Warrant for an Arson Suspect
Serving a Search Warrant for an Arson Suspect
Anything that endangers yourself or your well-being.
Fire Station Self Defense Policy
If you find yourself at the fire station and it’s going into lockdown then you are to follow proper protocols and get everyone into the most center room and lock the door, After Everyone is inside the most center room and the door is locked then you are basically the first point of contact if the intruder comes through the door, You must notify Law Enforcement Officers of what’s going on and tell them exactly where your at so a friendly fire doesn’t happen, If your character has their firearm inside their locker then you can follow the self-dense policy listed above.
Police Station Self Defense Policy
If you find yourself at the police station and there are intruders inside then you are to notify Law Enforcement Officers of the current situation this will be very helpful for everyone that is responding to the call for help, you are to hide and stay hidden best as you can, If need be and your life is endangered then you are to follow the Self-Defense policy listed above.
All Calls
If an All Call comes over the radio you are to basically follow the grounds of what Fire does and wait, you are not allowed to respond to an All Call.
Building Inspection Procedure
When doing a Fire Code Inspection; you are to go through the following checklist.
#1. Clear Paths of Egress
You are to check if any of the paths of egress are blocked or obstructed in any way. Any path that leads to an exit must be 36 inches in width. You are to make sure that all exit doors are able to be opened and closed without any problem.
#2. Emergency Exit Lights
All exits must be clearly marked with exit signs. These signs are to have backup batteries so that it can be illuminated for at least 90 minutes in the event of a fire or power outage. Many signs contain lights on top and you are to make sure the bulbs work properly and that they have functional batteries.
#3. Fire Extinguishers
Buildings must have a fire extinguisher within 75 feet of travel from any place in your facility. All extinguishers must be at least 2A-10BC size rating and also been serviced within the last 12 months. The service tag must be in place and updated.
#4. Fire Alarm Panels
You are to check the fire alarm panels and make sure their inspection tags are up to date and also make sure that there are no warning lights illuminated on the panel.
#5. Fire Sprinklers
You are to inspect each sprinkler and ensure that there is no obstruction to the ability of the sprinkler to spread the water efficiently. There must be 18 inches of space between the sprinkler and any furniture.
#6. Sprinkler Water Supply
You are to inspect all the hoses, valves, and fire department connections. You are to also ensure that there is no leakage, corrosion, or physical damage. Also, that they are not obstructed by a foreign object or paint.
#7. Storage of Combustible Liquids
You are to make sure that all flammable liquids, or any liquid that is a fire hazard, are stored in a fireproof cabinet.
#8. Maximum Capacity Limits
Every building has a capacity limit set and businesses are to adhere to them.
#9. Overloading Electrical Sockets
There is not to be an excessive amount of wires connected to one socket. Also, there should not be two or more extension cords connected to each other to extend the reach of power in the facility.
#10. Electrical Panels
All electrical panels are to be unobstructed at all times. Any item that can be caught on fire or is flammable is to be a good distance away from the panel. There should be three feet of clearance in front of the panel, to provide sufficient working space.
*There will be Google Forms that you will have to submit every time you do an inspection. At the end of every inspection, you are to advise the supervisor of the infractions; if any. All buildings have one week from the inspection to fix said violations. The link to the Google Form will be at the bottom of the SOP.*
Scene Zones
When doing your on-scene investigation it is required you set up “Scene Zones”. These zones are to prevent the contamination of any possible evidence.
This zone is the safest zone, also the zone that requires no protection whatsoever. This is where emergency vehicles will be blocking roads etc..
Yellow (100 meters from the structure)
This zone marks the start of the scene. This means no one is allowed into the yellow zone without the Marshal's permission. Any person other than the investigators in this zone is to be supervised at all times. No protection is needed.
Orange (20 meters from the structure)
This is the zone where it is possible to discover evidence. You are required to wear bunker pants, helmets, boots, boot covers, and gloves.
Red (Interior + 5 meters from the structure)
This is the zone that is going to contain most if not all of the evidence. You are to wear all protective gear. Only investigators are permitted to enter this zone.
On-Scene Investigation Procedure
The first thing that you do when you arrive on-scene is, if you haven’t already, put on your bunker pants and hard hat and wait until the firefighters on-scene call the building code 4.
You then want to establish your Scene Zones and make sure that all units that are still on scene are wearing the appropriate attire.
Before entering the building, make sure that you take photos of the entirety of the structure.
When entering a structure, you are to be wearing thick gloves, a hard hat, bunker pants, and a mask. This is to protect your well-being from the toxins, debris, and whatever else may be of risk to you.
Once inside, you are to examine the fire patterns and also look for possible signs of accelerants or any device that may have been used to start a fire. Take pictures of everything that may be used as evidence or you find might be useful in your investigation.
After you are finished conducting your structure investigation, you are to get a statement from all firefighters, medical personnel, officers, witnesses, and victims when possible.
Once you have completed all base investigations you are to create your initial report.
When completing an investigation and having enough to charge someone with arson, you are to notify the courts and place a warrant for their arrest.
Fire patterns will tell you the starting point of a fire.
Types of Patterns:
“U” Shape: The burn Pattern is in the middle of the floor and when the smoke rises the smoke and fire will hit the top of the wall in a “U” shape and with Circle on the ceiling
“V” Shape: The burn pattern on a surface will have a “V” looking slope, starting from the origin of the fire and curving outward like a V shape with the point of the V being the origin. (Ignitable liquid poured on a wall and/or electrical equipment has been tampered with)
Inverted Cone (On Wall): This pattern will look like an upside down cone (Formed from fire ignited from a liquid poured across a floor)
Inverted Cone (On Object): Sign of incendiary fire e.g. gasoline. (Inverted Cone patterns indicate a short lived fire)
Protected Area (Surface): If there is an outline on a surface that has not been charred or darkened due to the fire then that is a hint that an object was prohibiting the fire to cover the surface underneath said object e.g. Human body was causing the fire to form and an outline of that object. That surface will then be considered protected because there was an object interfering with the fire.
Ignitable Liquid Pour Pattern: There will be staggered spots of heavy burn (Black), medium burn (Grey), and Light burn (Almost white). There will be a consistent dark spot toward the bottom of origin due to the liquid running down to the base of the surface.
Pink=Heavy burn, Orange=Medium burn, Blue=Light Burn
Identifying Arson is your main job. The ways you can identify arson are through fire pattern examination, odors (Gas, Kerosine, etc), Furnishing, clothes, Locked exits (Windows, doors, etc), the tampering of fire suppression units, and multiple points of origin. Accelerated fires will cause unnatural fire damages so be on the lookout for that.
You are to figure out if the fire was intentional or accidental. If you have evidence stating arson then it is your job to figure out the who, why, and when.
Most arson occurs due to the following:
Crime concealment
Revenge or anger toward a person
Or mentally disturbed (Pyromaniacs)
Once finishing your investigation inside of the scene interview fire personal, get their point of view. (Remember accelerated fires will have bright yellow/orange flames with heavy black smoke) Ask fire personnel what the scene looked like, color of flames, color of smoke, etc. You want to interview property owners and witnesses to get information regarding any enemies or people of interest.
What to look for when interviewing: When interviewing suspects or witnesses look for burn injuries to hand, face, legs, and/or hair.
Investigation Reports
Create a folder and/or folders in your own google drive to store all of your reports. After sending a link to a Senior Marshal who then will send it to me to put into the report database for all marshals.
Type of incident:
Marshal Name and unit number:
Description of the Incident:
Description of victims (If any): Any notes you need to put down:
Search Warrant Procedure
When serving a search warrant, you are to have 2-3 marked officers on-scene to assist you with serving the warrant.
When you serve the warrant, you are to take them back to the nearest police station and utilize an interrogation room in order to question the subject.
Be sure to leave your firearm before entering an interrogation room to question a subject.
Make sure that all questioning is done after the subject has been read their rights. During interrogations your goal is to make someone confess to the crime or give you any information that may be helpful to the case.
Make sure that
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