SOP - Community Relations Division (CRD)
Introduction to CRD
Welcome to the Community Relations Division (CRD) where our main objective and goals as a subdivision is to utilize community policing practices and active enforcement of laws and statutes to positively impact the quality of life and safety factors in neighborhoods of need throughout the state of San Andreas; as well as to boost community involvement between law enforcement and the community.
The primary goal of the Community Relations Division is to work in partnership with neighborhood residents, the State of San Andreas, and other law enforcement agencies to address on-going quality of life issues in the state through community policing practices and proactive enforcement of the law. The primary role of CRD is proactive community policing, they are law enforcement first and foremost. CRD is allowed to initiate traffic stops and respond to 911 calls, although that is not your main objective.
There are two subdivisions within CRD to give officers the opportunity to reach out towards the community which are the Community Action Team (CAT) and the Bike Unit. Both subdivisions have certain requirements and rules which need to be followed while on-duty at all times.
CAT (Community Action Team)
CAT Officers specifically focus towards patrolling high crime areas and other well-known crime spots to show presence and divert crime, as well as be proactive in terms of stopping crime before it should happen. Always be aware of the fact that they do not readily have the same tools (i.e. weapons and armor) as main Law Enforcement divisions and need to be on the top of their game when it comes to situational awareness. These officers will mainly interact with community events and provide a friendly presence versus the usual law enforcement vibe. Most importantly, CAT officers must be professional at all times with everyone they interact with.
Bike Patrol
The Bike Unit is an incentive in which officers have limited patrol availability and resources while active. The Bike Units primary presence is not only for community presence, but to enforce pedestrian traffic laws and allow a more rapid response within heavily built-up areas that regular patrol units cannot actively patrol in. As a Bike Officer, similar to CAT, you will have limited access to tools and not be as equipped as normal officers would be, so remain vigilant, utilize good judgment, safe riding, and be respectful to all citizens in San Andreas.
Officers may only deploy as a Bike Unit in heavy pedestrian areas such as Downtown Los Santos, Vespucci, and the Del Perro Beachway. However the unit is limited in deployment within Blaine County and are only allowed to do so in the city limits of Paleto Bay and Sandy Shores. You must deploy as a group of two officers for safety reasons. If you do not have a secondary officer to activate with you, the Bike Unit should not be active.
Proactive Policing
Unlike the reactionary mindset of policing, CAT Officers utilize proactive tactics to keep crime in populated areas down. They do this by:
Being involved with the citizens in a friendly and approachable manner.
Being active at community events.
Endorsing community events, meet-ups, and forming “bonds” with the community.
Getting familiar with people and finding out if there is anything wrong, what you can help them with, and begin making connections with the citizens of San Andreas (This can also be done through the use of business and local checks throughout the community).
Patrol areas known to be higher in crime and make yourself known and available.
Restrictions (CAT)
While it is encouraged that CAT members run radar while on patrol, sitting on the side of the road trying to catch speed violators is not permitted as it is NOT proactive.
The CAT Camaro does not have a cage and therefore cannot be used to transport (A transport capable secondary unit will be required if transport is needed or you may county-transport the subject as well).
While CAT members do have access to an armored vest for high risk situations/all calls, it will not be worn during normal patrol.
CAT members wear only a basic duty belt and they may have a long gun or shotgun only in the FPIS, please reference the vehicle structure for additional info.
Restrictions (Bike Patrol)
Officers patrolling on a bicycle will not have access to their MDT, you either need to call into dispatch to run any kind of information or utilize another officer to run the information for you if you are not near your own vehicle.
Bicycle units are a seasonal unit that cannot activate in the winter months of San Andreas (November 1st - January 31st).
You are not allowed to patrol on bikes during night time (2000 - 0600) for safety reasons as it is extremely dangerous. (You may run as a CAT Officer during this time if you are qualified for it).
You cannot initiate traffic stops on any motor vehicle.
You may not use a Taser, Baton, or your firearm while on a bicycle moving or static unless a life-threatening situation has prompted a lethal response.
During a foot pursuit, you may follow and pursue on a bicycle. Use caution when crossing roadways. You are not allowed on interstates at all while on the bicycle under any circumstance. Please disembark and use extreme caution to continue pursuing the suspect/take the suspect into custody.
You cannot transport a subject while on a bicycle, you must request a transport-capable unit to transport the subject for you.
You are not allowed to be in vehicle pursuits while actively on a bike, you must contact patrol units to pursue the vehicle.
Do not bring your bicycle into a building under any circumstance.
You must follow all traffic laws at all times. Remember; you are a bicycle and you must share the road with vehicles as they do with you.
Do not be performing reckless actions while on a bicycle (wheelies, jumps and tricks, etc.) while on roadways, sidewalks, or overly populated areas.
You are not allowed to activate if weather conditions do not reflect good riding conditions (i.e raining, severe thunderstorms, etc.)
To look as approachable as possible while still looking like law enforcement, the CAT Officer’s uniforms have two different uniforms. They both consist of cargo pants and either have a choice of a Polo-shirt or a T-shirt in the colors of the main LEO department. The shirt is to have the insignia of the member’s main department. A duty belt and a hip holster are to be worn and each officer has the choice of wearing their department baseball caps.
Bicycle Officer’s Uniforms are only to be a polo with the appropriate shorts. You may not wear pants or any other footwear while operating the bikes.
Vehicle Structure
FPIS (Taurus) (Livery is to be main department livery for the area you’re patrolling)
Chevy Camaro (Livery is to be main department livery for the area you’re patrolling)
Bike unit (Please ensure you have the correct Color for your Department)
FPIS: You will be able to carry your choice of a shotgun or an assault rifle (not both) and carry it in the trunk of the vehicle. At no point in time should it be upfront with the driver, especially when conducting a ride-along. You will also now be transport-capable, only exception would be if you have an active ride-along can you not transport a subject. Camaro: You will not be able to carry other equipment such as a shotgun or assault rifle in the back of this vehicle. No civilian ride-alongs are to happen in this vehicle at any point, in addition to this as well, due to the limited number of Camaro’s in the fleet, one Camaro is allowed to be run per department while an active patrol is going on.
Scorcher: This is the Law Enforcement bicycle (temporary) that will be used to patrol. Depending on your main Department overall. Please ensure you are using the correct corresponding color.
*Do note, all colors are under the Classic color option* PD: (LS) Black (BC) Dark Blue SO: (LS) Black (BC) Black SP: Dark Steel
*Do Note: you are only allowed to patrol in the FPIS Taurus if going on duty as a Bike Officer; no other vehicle is permitted to be transporting bikes at this time.
Going on Patrol / Patrol Limits
When going on patrol as a CAT Officer you must put *CAT* after your unit identifier in TeamSpeak (Example Zed Z. 999-S *CAT*). When initially going on-duty as CAT, you must notify over radio you are not transport-capable if using the Camaro. Ex. “999-S… 10-41, 10-8. Active CAT, Non-transport Capable.” When using the FPIS, it would be along the same transmission, but stating that you are transport-capable. Ex. “999-S… 10-41, 10-8. Active CAT, Transport-capable.” CAT units also must identify themselves via the plate on the car as well, the following structure has been updated to reflect the following: CAT (Unit Number). This will be used to separate regular patrol units and CAT units from using the FPIS while on a patrol. Please note as well, when going on patrol as CAT, you have the option to fill out the appropriate paperwork whether it be the Business Check form or Ride Along form in order to add realism to the subdivision. The Documents can be found in the CAT discord under pinned messages.
*Maximum of 4 CAT Units are to be ran during a patrol, if there are less than 5 units on at the time of running CAT, you must patrol in the FPIS*
When going on patrol as a Bicycle Officer, you must put *Bike* after your identifier in TeamSpeak (Example Zed Z. 999-S *Bike*).
Bike units must also have the following plate on their patrol car as well: BIKE (Unit Number). This will be used to separate regular patrol units and Bike units from using the FPIS while on Patrol.
*Maximum of 3 Bicycle Units are to be ran during a patrol, if there are less than 5 units on at the time of running Bike, please refrain from running Bike.
Ride-Along Policy CAT Units will now be eligible to give civilian ride-alongs in order to better enhance our Community Outreach (Do note, you are allowed to run as a Car unit with anyone [including non-CAT members] only in the FPIS). The same policy is in effect as stated in the LEO SOP in terms for a civilian ride-along, which is an important factor. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in a temporary restriction from doing ride-alongs. You are not allowed to run as a Car unit while patrolling as a Bike Officer as the FPIS can carry only one bike at a time. *Under no circumstances should a CAT Officer be conducting a ride along in the Camaro. All ride-alongs need to be completed in the FPIS. Failure to comply will result in a temporary restriction from conducting ride-alongs. High-Risk Policy (CAT) Although we are law enforcement officers; we need to keep in mind that, as CAT, we are not equipped with the necessary tools to handle tough situations as a whole. We do not have easy access to high-power weapons or vests like a regular on-duty LEO, and we are mainly a Community-interactions subdivision. With this in mind, any shots fired incident or high-risk situation, a CAT unit should not be the primary officer on-scene unless they are directly involved. For vehicle pursuits, you can remain primary on it unless shots have been fired upon your vehicle, which in that case you must drop down to tertiary in the pursuit and if there is another regular officer that is nearby; you must then drop out of the pursuit completely and return to the termination point and take lead on charges. If a situation develops into an all-call, a CAT Officer is allowed to respond however they should not be putting themselves in extreme danger (i.e. Being on a breach team to get an armed subject).
High-Risk Policy (Bike Patrol)
Although we are Law Enforcement Officers; we need to keep in mind that, as Bicycle Officers, we are not equipped with the necessary tools to handle tough situations as a whole. We do not have access to high power weapons or vests like a regular on-duty officer. We are mainly a community interactions subdivision. With this in mind, you may not respond to any high-priority calls unless an all-call has been initiated. You must respond in a vehicle and also remain on perimeter duty as you are not equipped to handle those situations. Any shots fired incident or high-risk situation, a Bicycle Officer should not be the primary officer on-scene unless they are directly involved. If a vehicle pursuit initiates on your scene, you cannot be primary or be attached to the pursuit while on a bike. You must contact patrol units to pursue the vehicle.
Recruitment / Training
Each individual must be recommended by their LE Department Head with agreement from the department’s chain of command. Once you have been notified, you will be given a Quiz and must pass with an 85% or higher in order to successfully be accepted into CAT.
Each individual must be recommended by their LE Department Head with agreement from the department’s Chain of Command. Once you have been notified, you will need to contact Isaiah B. 123 to receive your training and you must pass your training in order to be accepted into the Bike Unit.
Division Head’s Role
The Division Head runs and coordinates procedures for all CRD members. Their job is to interpret the department SOP when questions regarding CRD come up, maintain discipline, and handle departmental policies and issues.
Disciplinary Action
Any action that goes against the CRD SOP, LEO SOP, and/or OCRP policy as a CRD officer may result in a re-train or removal from the division if deemed applicable from a feedback discussion.
Failed Training / Unit Removal
Removal from CRD comes from LEO CoC or the Division Head. Whether it’s a failed training or unit removal:
1st offense - retrain after 30 days.
2nd offense - disqualified for 6 months, and the member will be required to reapply or be re-recommended depending on the subdivision they were accepted to.
Uniform Structure
Please keep hair professional at all times. Long hair is permitted but must not go past your shoulders.
All facial hair needs to be neatly trimmed and kept professional, a goatee is the most amount of facial hair you may have. Full beards will not be allowed.
Watches may be worn but must be professional (keep the expensive stuff at home).
Tattoos must not be visible on your legs, neck, face, or hands. Arm tattoos are fine as long as they are professional and not a distraction nor cause offense.
Vests cannot be used on the polo shirt at all, you must only use them while having a T-Shirt on.
Upper: Professional
Upper: Professional
Masks: 90
Masks: 90
86 (3)
(7) - LSCS CAT only
12 (3) - Bike Only
51 (2)
14 (3) - Bike Only
Shoes: 25
Shoes: 25
Scarfs and Chains: 8
Scarfs and Chains: 8
Shirt and Accessories: 38
Shirt and Accessories: 51
Body Armor & Accessory 2: Radio: 13, 14, 37 Vest: 5 (LS - 1) (BC - 2)
Body Armor & Accessory 2: Radio: 14, 15, 16 Vest: 3 (LS -1)
(BC - 2)
Shirt Overlay and Jackets:
T-Shirt: 73 (16 - BCSO) (19 - LSCS) - CAT Only Polo: 94 (2)
Shirt Overlay and Jackets:
T-Shirt: 224 (2 - LSCS) (3 - BCSO) - CAT Only
Polo: 85 (2)
Hats & Helmets:
130 (5 - LSCS) - CAT Uniform (optional)
130 (6 - BCSO) - CAT Uniform (optional)
49 - Bike Only
Hats & Helmets:
129 (5- LSCS) - CAT Uniform (optional)
129 (6- BCSO) - CAT Uniform (optional)
47 - Bike Only
Upper: Professional
Upper: Professional
Masks: 90
Masks: 90
86 (3)
12 (3) - Bike Only
51 (2)
14 (3) - Bike Only
Shoes: 25
Shoes: 25
Scarfs and Chains: 8
Scarfs and Chains: 8
Shirt and Accessories: 38
Shirt and Accessories: 51
Body Armor & Accessory 2: Radio: 13, 14, 37 Vest: 5 (BC - 4) 20 (LS - 1)
Body Armor & Accessory 2:
Radio: 14, 15, 16
Vest: 3(BC - 4) 10 (LS - (1)
Shirt Overlay and Jackets:
T-Shirt: 73 (18) - CAT Only Polo: 93 (1)
Shirt Overlay and Jackets:
T-Shirt: 224 (1) - CAT Only
Polo: 84 (1)
Hats & Helmets:
130 (1) - CAT Uniform (optional)
49 - Bike Only
Hats & Helmets:
129 (1) - CAT Uniform (optional)
47 - Bike Only
State Police
Upper: Professional
Upper: Professional
Masks: 9
Masks: 90
86 (3)
12 (3) - Bike Only
51 (2)
14 (3) - Bike Only
Shoes: 25
Shoes: 25
Scarfs and Chains: 8
Scarfs and Chains: 8
Shirt and Accessories: 38
Shirt and Accessories: 51
Body Armor & Accessory 2:
Radio: 13, 14, 37
Vest: 5 (3)
Body Armor & Accessory 2:
Radio: 14, 15, 16
Vest: 3 (3)
Shirt Overlay and Jackets:
T-Shirt: 73 (14) - CAT Only
Polo: 94 (3)
Shirt Overlay and Jackets:
T-Shirt: 224 (4) - CAT Only
Polo: 85 (3)
Hats & Helmets:
130 (17) - CAT Uniform (optional)
49 - Bike Only
Hats & Helmets:
129 (17) - CAT Uniform (optional)
47 - Bike Only
Last updated