SOP - Dept. of Fish & Wildlife

Our mission

The San Andreas Department of Fish and Wildlife is here to protect the natural and cultural resources of San Andreas for the education and enjoyment of future generations. Our goal is to protect visitors and wildlife of the state of San Andreas.

The Wildlife Officer’s Role

The role of a Wildlife Officer is to enforce not only fishing and hunting but enforce the rules and laws that pertain to San Andreas. A Wildlife Officer will have to be able to think outside the box in situations involving potentially dangerous animals and situations while being isolated and help being a long way off. All Wildlife Officers that have successfully completed their training, will be identifiable in TeamSpeak by having the “Wildlife Officer” tag. Wildlife Officers have the same powers as regular LEO.


Trainees are the first stage of becoming a Wildlife Officer. Upon being accepted as a Wildlife Officer, the trainee must go through a rigorous training in order to become a Wildlife Officer. The way trainees get promoted is by showing the proper skills required to be a Wildlife Officer. Fish and Wildlife recruits will be identifiable in TeamSpeak by having the “Fish and Wildlife Recruit” tag.

Wildlife Officer

Wildlife Officers are the basic unit within the subdivision. Their roles include enforcing state law, especially pertaining to Fish and Game. They may use any vehicles and equipment in the subdivision not exclusive to the Conservation Officer. They must follow all policies outlined in this SOP and as directed by the Wildlife Commissioner. Wildlife Officers will be identifiable in TeamSpeak by having the “Wildlife Officer” tag.

Conservation Officer

Conservation Officers are the most experienced and veteran members of the subdivision. Their roles include normal duties as a regular Wildlife Officer, but they also go above and beyond by maintaining and conserving the state to a higher standard. More information on their roles can be found at the bottom of the SOP. In order for regular Wildlife Officers to become Conservation Officers, they must show their knowledge in a noticeable way to either Senior Wildlife Officers or the Wildlife Commissioner. This is a recommended position, much like SEU. It is then that these people within these roles will recommend or nominate said Wildlife Officer to the position of Conservation Officer. Conservation Officers will be identifiable in TeamSpeak by having the “Conservation Officer” tag.

Senior Wildlife Officer

Senior Wildlife Officers are the highest position in the subdivision besides the lead Commissioner. These Officers have the responsibilities to be active role models for other Wildlife Officers and are also to be a good representation of the subdivision. Overall these Officers have the same roles as everyone else, except that they are also trainers for the subdivision. Senior Wildlife Officers will be identifiable in TeamSpeak by having the “SeniorWildlife Officer” tag.

Wildlife Commissioner

The Wildlife Commissioner is the director of the subdivision and is to lead, teach, and supervise the scenarios in which we are called to. He handles teaching, ranking, disciplinary actions, and supervisory roles in the division. All issues regarding Wildlife Officers or issues with the public go through the Commissioner when needed. The Commissioner will be identifiable in TeamSpeak by having the “Wildlife Commissioner” tag.

Supervisor Rankings

This section only applies to other LEO supervisors running active as the subdivision, While active as the subdivision LEO CoC members may act as a supervisor and conduct their duties as normal but the highest rank their character may hold is the rank of SGT and their uniform must have golden stripes.


Disciplinary Action

Any action that goes against the SOP or OCRP policy as a Wildlife Officer may result in retrain or removal from the subdivision. Any serious discipline issue must go through CoC.


The Commissioners’ Office grants all Wildlife Officers the same powers as other Law Enforcement Officers to maintain order (This means you can go to normal calls of service if needed but should not be a regular occurrence), preserve the peace, and make arrests for violations of the law on land and property under the jurisdiction and control of the commissioner and on all state and county highways within the boundaries of the state.

While patrolling the state, Officers should follow all procedures that any other LEO would, with regards to proper road usage, traffic stops, on-scene procedures and so on. Active ride alongs as a Wildlife Officer must also be Wildlife Officer trained. No one outside of the Department of Fish and Wildlife is authorized to ride along with one. Giving rides for other officers (either on a scene or not) is allowed. The active patrolling as a car unit with regular patrol officers is not permitted.


As a Wildlife Officer, if you have a reason to be involved in a pursuit, then you may attach to or initiate the pursuit as long as it falls within the Wildlife Officer’s legal jurisdiction. If an all-call occurs, you may respond. Wildlife Officers have the authority to perform traffic stops. If a vehicle takes off, then you may stick with the pursuit as primary.

Mutual Aid

During a Wildlife Officer’s patrol they may be tasked with boat operations. In these operations, if you would like to patrol with a boat that has lights and sirens you must call port authority and run a 2-man boat with them. When the Officer is patrolling by themselves on a boat, the Officer must immediately call for the Port Authority to handle the situation if it is out of our remain. Wildlife Officers have primary on anything involved in Fish and Game, and Port Authority has all else.

Animal and Search & Rescue Calls

When an animal-specific call comes out through 911, or they are dispatched, a Wildlife Officer has the authority to self-attach to those calls. Due to the nature of some areas within San Andreas, you may occasionally receive search and rescue calls. Do note you may self-attach to them to assist fire rescue with their efforts, but the Fire Department will take primary on all search and rescue. While on search and rescue calls, you may require the use of ASU, Medflight, or even the Fish and Wildlife Huey (Conservation Officer only). These assets may be called upon to help Officers locate and assist victims in areas unreachable by other offroad vehicles.

If an animal or search and rescue call goes out and the individual that is qualified as a Wildlife Officer isn’t 10-8 as a Wildlife Officer, then they must be requested by dispatch or another unit. If the patrol is in self-dispatch mode, then an individual patrolling another subdivision (who must be available to switch callsigns) may return to the station to go in service as a Wildlife Officer to handle the call.


San Andreas Department Of Fish and Wildlife Officers can operate out of any of the local PD stations in Los Santos or Blaine County. The primary headquarters is Beaver Bush Ranger Station located at Baytree Canyon Road and Marlowe Drive in Vinewood Hills, Los Santos.

Vehicle Structure

Dirt Bike Usage (Conservation Officer Only)

The dirt bike is directly used for smaller trails that a normal vehicle would not be able to go down, such as maneuvering up Mount Chiliad, or traversing hiking trails for search and rescue operations. Dirt bikes are not to be used to move victims or suspects. When patrolling the mountains and various state parks where your normal patrol vehicle should not be patrolling, every Wildlife Officer should use the Fish and Wildlife dirt bike (If conservation officer) or Gator (Wildlife Officer plus). It is NOT to be used on paved roadways or in pursuits.


The following vehicle may be taken off road on marked trails unless specifically needed for search and rescue operations, but the vehicle may not go up or down steep inclines. This is unrealistic, and will require a retrain and disciplinary action.

The main patrol vehicle (16 Ram 2500), Is able to be used for prisoner and animal transport. The backseat space is to be used for animal transport (Animal will be RPed in a cage). Only animals as large as mountain lions or smaller, in cages, can be transported in the back. Anything large will require “county” services. The rear seats have no acutal cage thus if transporting suspects they would have to be in the passenger seat safely restrained. Only one suspect can be transported at a time. At no time, can an animal be transported while a suspect is being transported. It is either one or the other at a single time. This would be a major lawsuit and breach of safety for all parties.


Dodge Ram 2500


Dirt Bike (Conservation Only)


John Deere Gator


John Deere Gator Trailer



Dinghy Ranger Boat (Olive Green)


Huey (Conservation Only)

Livery Usage and Customization

The livery for both vehicles should be reflecting what you are running as, So As a Wildlife officer you would use the Department of Fish and Wildlife livery and as a Park ranger you would use the San Andreas State Parks livery

Duty Loadout

All Wildlife Officers are to have all the following equipment attached to their person and their patrol squads:





Combat Pistol (Follow LEO SOP for loadout guidance)


Stun Gun


Hunting Knife

Hiking Gear


Climbing/Rappelling Gear


Tranquilizer Gun (Marksman Rifle orange, Suppressed

Narcan (If Fire trained)

AED (If Fire trained)


The uniform for the Wildlife Officers is outlined in the Uniform Policy tab. Link


Fish And Game

A Wildlife Officer will need to be familiar with the fish and game portion of the penal code due to the Wildlife Officers enforcing these laws. Some examples:

  • Hunting limits

  • Fishing limits

  • Hunting and fishing locations

  • Fishing and hunting permits

  • Hours

  • Poaching

And everything outlined in Title 16 of the penal Code.

Under no circumstances is an Officer to kill an animal unless it poses a direct threat to yourself, visitors, or other emergency personnel. Another example is if an animal is injured and suffering, whereas it would be better for the animal to be dead rather than living. An Officer is equipped with tools in order to subdue an aggressive animal without killing it. Upon being subdued, the animal is to be transported to a safer location if it is in a place of high population.


A Wildlife Officer will ensure that safe and legal conditions are maintained for the safety of campers and other civilians using the state areas and local wildlife. This includes, but is not limited to, setting up camp in safe, legal camping zones and proper, safe use and disposal of campfires. Wildlife Officers should not engage in the willful destruction of camping equipment, and should, if the owner of equipment is not present, leave a notice.

Off-Road/Boating/Hiking Rules

A Wildlife Officer will be familiar with protected areas of the state, such as state or national parks, to prevent the use of off-road vehicles in restricted areas, properly enforce the use of watercraft, and ensure the safety of hikers from going in treacherous areas. Any use of off-road vehicles beyond designated paths in restricted areas must be dealt with proper procedure, according to the penal code. Note that while offroading, you must be realistic with inclines, road conditions, and vehicle capabilities. A standard SUV will not traverse Mount Chiliad.


Wildlife Officers are permitted to patrol any waterway within San Andreas for any kind of fishing violations. The boat can be used for patrol or search and rescue. If performing search and rescue, Officers must follow directives from the Fire Department. With the use of the boat, the Wildlife Officer must be wearing a personal flotation device. The boat used is the Nagasaki Dinghy 2 or 4 seater with the Olive Green Color. F1 Menu > Vehicle Spawner > Nagasaki Dinghy.

During a boat patrol you will check other boats in your jurisdiction for the following:

  • Safety Equipment

  • If Fishing: Check their catch to see if it is of legal size and season

  • For Boat license and Registration

If a boat you intend to check in your jurisdiction flees, you are authorized to chase after them. If you need assistance, call the Port Authority. If anything arises during the check that doesn’t involve fish and game, you are to hold the boat and call for Port Authority. If the need arises that you must board a boat for any kind of reason due to having to detain someone or perform a search, you must call the Port Authority.

Conservation Officer

The Conservation Officer is an advanced rank within the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The Conservation Officer’s role is focused on wildlife management. This includes the observations of animal migration, habitat preservation, deforestation, tagging/tracking animals to maintain reproduction, animal safety, and healthy population within a specific species. This all comes down to making sure the state’s animals are cared for and protected. Their jobs also include wildlife preservation when it comes to maintaining the enjoyment of the state for future generations to come. Conservation Officers also have the same authority and jurisdiction as a normal Wildlife Officer, except their duties of conservation are held to a higher standard. In order for them to do their job properly, they have some extra tools at their disposal. One of which is the SA State Parks Huey (Only Officers with the conservation certification are permitted). This aircraft is solely for the purpose of aerial observation and maintaining the responsibilities previously listed. It is also NOT to be used for surveillance or stalking of another player. This is not Air 1/Medflight. This tool can be used to patrol and observe over the state of San Andreas

Conservation Officer Procedure

The SA State Parks Huey is authorized to take-off and land from any of the locations listed below. When in the air, pilots must follow aircraft rules and regulations within OCRP Gaming. This includes appropriate clearance procedures. Pilots also have to take into consideration the restricted flight areas. When officers prepare for flight, they need to put "Eagle" behind their callsign (example 179-R Eagle). If at any time Air 1 or Medflight require a clear air space, Eagle 1 must immediately be grounded at the nearest approved landing zone. Failure to do so will result in removal of Conservation Officer status. In addition to what is stated before the conservation helicopter can assist with search and rescues as well as can assist with extracts of stable patients as long as a medic is in the Heli, This can only be done if medflight isn't available or does not activate

Conservation Officer Continued

As explained earlier in the SOP Conservation Officers are the most experienced members in the division, With this being said they have access to more tools they can utilize and run, With the Rank of Conservation officer you are allowed to use the dirtbike and Huey, You are also able to run as a Park Ranger within the States Parks. (If active as a Park Ranger you must have *PR* in your TS identifier)

Park Ranger Specifics


As a Park Ranger your main task will be patrolling the state parks, Maintaining them, and looking after the park goers, With that being said your jurisdiction will be restricted to the following. Chiliad Mountain and State wilderness, Raton Canyon, San Chanski Mountain Range, Tataviam Mountains, As well as the Galileo Observatory area.

Pursuit Policy

While conducting your duties as a Park ranger you may find yourself in the situation of initiating a vehicle pursuit, You are allowed to pursue the vehicle until other marked units arrive and can take over, once other units are involved you are to slowly drop out of the pursuit and trail behind until the suspect is apprehended, If a pursuit is coming through park jurisdiction you may help with roadblocks and spike deployments if called for.

All Calls

While on duty all calls have become a normal call type for Law Enforcement in San Andreas, While on duty as a Park Ranger you may encounter these. You are allowed to respond to all calls due to your status as a Peace officer but do keep in mind that you are not as well equipped as other officers so you should be hanging back and not in the middle of everything

Take Off/Depart Zones:

Blaine County

Los Santos County

Paleto Station (3007)

LSIA (99)

Sandy Shores Airfield (1020)

Vespucci Helipads (348)

Flight Zones & Restrictions

  • Prohibited Airspace - If flying between 1000 and 500ft, under no circumstances are you allowed to freely enter the airspace of the Fort Zancudo military base. All other prohibited airspace include the runways at: LSIA, Grapeseed, Sandy Shores and Fort Zancudo. Only when there is dispatch available or an active supervisor can you request to cross said restricted airspace.

  • Restricted Airspace - Any other area marked with red requires approval from the ATC/Dispatch to enter the airspace.

  • Limited Airspace - These are areas that you should avoid during normal operations. These areas include noise sensitive areas or tall buildings. In the event of low flying being required the blue areas are to be avoided for -any- low flying under the hard deck (500ft height barrier).



Whiskey Romeo

Whiskey Robert


Conservation unit only.

Last updated