SOP - Port Authority
1.1 - Foundation
The Unit was founded for the purpose of having officers and Fire/EMS crews able to provide assistance and also maintain the law on any open water and in the areas of the ports, marinas, and airports. Our goal is to prevent any misuse of marine vessels and maintain maritime, aviation, and common law.
1.2 - Enrollment
Port Authority Officers have the passion and willpower to maintain and keep Maritime and Aviation Law. Port Authority Officers are held to a higher standard than normal Officers and must uphold themselves to the following standards.
Must be an Officer/Deputy/Trooper or higher. Reserves permitted.
Must be in good standing within OCRP Gaming (No Points).
Must be in good standing with your departments.
Must be active and well-mannered in patrols.
1.3 - Rank Structure
Officer - Person who has completed basic training.
Dive Team Officer - [Extra Training Required] Person who has completed Dive Team Training
Senior Officer - [Extra Training Required] Person who has completed all Trainings and is authorized to train new recruits.
Commander - The Main role of the supervisor is to oversee all the department duties
1.4 - Chain of Command
All issues regarding any Port Authority Officers must be brought to the Port Authority Commander. Issues will follow the standard feedback procedure.
1.5 - Disciplinary Action
All Port Authority members are held at a superior level to standard officers and are expected to maintain that level at all times. Members failing to uphold the Port Authority standards will receive the following disciplinary actions based on FiveM Disciplinary Procedure
1.6 - Ride-alongs and Mutual Aid
Port Authority officers may only ride along with other PA officers. Civilian ride alongs are not permitted.
Port Authority has a mutual aid agreement with the Dept of Fish and Wildlife, to assist each other in boat operations. They may fill in as additional officers for boarding, or help with their expertise. Dept of Fish and Wildlife have primary on anything Fish and Game related.
Port Authority has a mutual aid agreement with the LSIA Crash Team (SAFR ARFF), to assist them in securing the scene of an incident, as well as making clear egress and ingress paths for emergency vehicles.
2.0 - Unit Training
2.1 - Basic Training
Basic Training consists of vessel inspections. For this training, it is advised that you read the penal code Title 12. Operation of Marine Vessels
Please use the following map to see the important areas for Port Authority vessels:
Red: Exclusion, no Vessel has to enter these areas.
Yellow: Caution, these areas may be patrolled, however extra caution is required (Rapids).
Cyan: Ports/Marinas, Vessels shall not exceed 15 MPH, unless responding to calls.
White: Canals, only Patrol Boat shall enter these areas and only when required.
Orange: Deployment Zones
Keep in mind that (12)02 Restricted Boating Areas still apply to Port Authority Vessels, unless responding to calls, you should stay away from populated beaches as well as LSIA and Fort Zancudo.
2.2 - Jurisdiction
Port Authority has jurisdiction to patrol in any waters in and around San Andreas, including the Alamo Sea, LS River, Cassidy Creek, and the Pacific Ocean. They also have jurisdiction over the San Andreas Coast Line as well as any Ports and Marinas in San Andreas. You may respond to Private Airfield if a scene occurs there, but you are not permitted to actively patrol the area. Officers can travel through areas where they don’t have jurisdiction to move to another part of their jurisdiction or to move from/to a station or a gas station.
Port Authority Officers may only respond to calls outside of their jurisdiction when it is;
An All Call Situation.
You Witness a Crime outside Jurisdiction (Must Call for Additional for Jurisdiction)
Low LEO Numbers- No other unit can respond (Call Additional once available.)
A Supervisor requests you to route to a specific call.
2.3 - Patrolling by Vessel
When on Patrol you are allowed to patrol on your own in a single vessel but you are not allowed to board any vessels at any time during your patrol unless you have a second officer with you, which could be either Port Authority or a Wildlife Officers through the mutual aid policy. Sea Rescue may only be used to patrol the open ocean.
2.4 - Vessel Boarding Procedure
When boarding a vessel there should be a minimum of two officers on board the vessel at times unless it is a small vessel to which one officer will board and the second officer will keep eyes and watch over the first officer, this is for officer safety. Before boarding the vessel make contact with them on channel 16 and for example say “Vessel on my port bow or starboard bow, stop heave too I intend to board you, to enforce maritime law”. Once the vessel has stopped and you have boarded the vessel start by doing a vessel equipment check (safety equipment such as fire extinguishers and floatation devices, Radios including the crew being knowledgeable in proper usage) and logs(manifest, safety logs, etc) checks as well as make sure everything is up to standard. At times an Officer has the option to have their sidearm withdrawn until the vessel has been secured, and all occupants on board have been moved to the back of the vessel and accounted for. Once the checks have been completed you can allow the crew to go back to their regular duties. In case not enough Port Officers (or Wildlife Officers) are able to activate, regular patrol officers may assist. This is only to be done if boarding is totally necessary. In this case you must equip them with a life jacket. However one Port Officer (or Wildlife Officers) must stay on board of your vessel and at least one Port Officer must board the Vessel along with the other officers.
2.5 - Vessel Inspections
Any Vessel that enters San Andreas waters will be subjected to random vessel inspections. When conducting a vessel inspection you are usually looking for members who are on small vessels [AKA: jet skis, speed boats and sailboats] they should be wearing life jackets at times only exceptions are luxury cruisers or large vessels (but they must show that there are life jackets available for all members aboard the vessel). Large ships (container Vessels) should only be boarded by no less than 4 officers when conducting a vessel inspection. You are also looking at all the equipment and lights of the vessel to be in working order including that the vessel has a fire suppression system installed in the vessel or fire extinguishers (the only exception is jet ski). All this information can be found in the penal code Title (12) 01. Equipment
2.6 - Search & Rescue
Search & Rescue is a coordinated effort from both the San Andreas Fire and Rescue as well as Port Authority Officers and depending on the area, the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. In a search and rescue situation on or near any waterway or body of water, it is best to have two vessels with at least one being a PA vessel. Whether this be one port vessel and the Fire Depts Otter boat, or two port vessels, or one port vessel and the DFW boat, it’s fine. Don’t forget to utilize assets early such as the DFW’s Eagle or ASU’s Air One or MedFlight to provide aerial coverage in looking for the victims and making sure everyone is accounted for etc. You may also initiate a Pan Pan call to have other vessels on the lookout (Ex: /OOC PA on Channel 16: Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan, incoming reports of a vessel in distress in the vicinity of Paleto Cove. All Vessels in the area, keep a sharp lookout and assist if possible and make all reports to the SA Port Authority).
2.7 - Examples of Deployments for the Port Authority
Port Authority can be deployed for various reasons. E.g.:
Vessel in distress
Suspicious vessel
Trafficking via vessel
Suspects fleeing via swimming/vessel
Any calls within jurisdiction
2.8 - Port Area Patrols
You can patrol all ports and marinas around San Andreas. While patrolling around those areas you may not enter privately owned/secured facilities. You may perform traffic stops or random vehicle inspections on any vehicle in port areas. Keep in mind that vehicles are not subjected to a search unless you have probable cause to do so. You may call for a CVE unit if you are performing an inspection on a commercial vehicle. During your patrol you may also inspect containers and parked trucks and trailers for tampering or damage. You may never open a container or similar with a customs seal sealing it off, this may only be done by customs themselves or with a search warrant. During your patrol, you can board vessels that are in the port area and conduct vessel inspection including vehicle equipment check and also check the paperwork of the vessel to make sure everything's up to date and has no signs of tampering with logs.You still need to follow proper boarding and inspection procedures, including the minimum amount of officers.
2.9 - Airport Patrol Landside
You can patrol by foot or by a vehicle in the surrounding area of LSIA but when on foot patrol you must maintain radio contact with dispatch every 10-15 minutes, this to be a safeguard just in case something bad has happened to the officers at the airport etc. Airport patrol is the same as a standard LEO patrol and you will be proactive rather than reactive. When patrolling on foot you must wear your vest. You may also carry your rifle if deemed necessary.
2.10 - Airport Airside Patrol
Airside patrols have to be conducted with extreme caution and awareness of your surroundings, especially where there is constant aircraft movement and dangers around the aircraft. You should be in contact with ATC at all times. When patrolling the airside of the airport you must stay on the roads going around the airport and keep your speed below 15 MPH. You may cross or enter a runway when necessary after contacting Air Traffic Control. This is to be done using OOC (Ex: /OOC Port Authority crossing Runway 33R via A5, any traffic advise). When you are clear of the runway you need to contact Air Traffic Control that you are clear of the runway (Ex: /OOC Port Authority clear of Runway 33R.) When you are on runways or taxiways you must have your emergency lights on with no sirens. You are not to interfere with ground operations at LSIA unless you have high probable cause, for example, Hostile reconnaissance or criminal activity. You can enter buildings and hangars during your airside Patrol. When leaving your vehicle you must wear a reflective vest unless the airport is shut down.
2.11 - Rapids
When patrolling in the rapids you must take extreme caution. The rapids are a very dangerous fast moving white water area. The water in the rapids is also shallow, therefore there are a lot of rocks sticking out of the water, you must take caution to avoid these, especially when going up and down waterfalls. Emphasis; take extreme caution.
2.12 - Manning Restricted Facilities
Port Authority may man restricted facilities. These restricted facilities include LSIA, Terminal Island, and some parts of the Port. Officers utilize the booths at the entrance to conduct their operations. When manning a gate to the restricted facilities officers must wear a vest and carry either their rifle or a shotgun on their person. Any vehicle and person entering the facility is subject to a search and must provide valid documents allowing them to enter. This is either an airside ID or a Pilot's License for LSIA, a Port Permit for the Port and Terminal Island, or a work ID for all. If one has a visitor ID they need to be escorted by someone with a valid permit.
Vehicles and persons leaving the facilities are not subjected to a search, unless there has been a 911 call or officers have probable cause.
LEO and Fire/EMS are also subjected to search unless they are responding to a call.
Heavily-armed LEO (SWAT) is not subjected to a search but must provide a Badge.
2.13 - Ground Vehicle Pursuits
Port Authority can pursue any vehicle if it is initiated in their jurisdiction. If a pursuit passes through your jurisdiction, you may attach to it while it is in your jurisdiction unless they have sufficient units. As soon as you are at least one block outside of your jurisdiction, you must break off unless you are the only unit on the pursuit. If you were primary on the call, you will drop out of the pursuit and trail behind until the suspect is apprehended. You will then transport and do their charges appropriately. You MUST return to routine driving while trailing and not break any traffic laws for any reason other than safety. Port Authority can assist in roadblocks and with spike strips, even outside of their jurisdiction.
2.14 - Boat Pursuits
Port Authority may pursue maritime vessels if they are evading from a stop/inspection. If a vessel is fleeing, you should try to stop the vessel using ‘S-Curve’ maneuvers. Should this be ineffective you can try to push them towards land to get the vessel beached and have ground units on standby. Ideally you would have two Port Authority vessels (one Sea Rescue, one Interceptor), but three are also permitted, with enough officers to board the evading vessel pursuing it. At no point should there be more than three Port Authority boats in a boat pursuit. Remember to use other subdivisions (e.g. Air Support).
2.15 - Tactical Waterborne Operations
1- High risk calls on vessels, such as hijacked ships or hostage situations, requiring special tactics will be directed by SWAT. Port Officers may pilot the vessel, but should not interfere with the operation. Follow SWAT Team Leader’s orders. Small vessels will still remain under Port Authority. (please reference the SWAT SOP)
2- Activating Port for a Tactical Operation on one of the islands in and around San Andreas must be approved by Scene Command or a Supervisor. You must maintain control of the vessel at all times during the operation and only act on Scene Commands order. You are not permitted to activate during a major thunderstorm unless you as the Pilot of the Vessel are confident in your skills.
2.16 - Incidents Involving Aircraft
In case aircraft are violating any rules and regulations in the penal code, Port Officers are able to direct the aircraft to land at a civilian airfield to talk to the pilot. Port Officers may also assist in certain distress situations with their expertise.
Port Authority should not respond to any crashed aircraft more than a block away from any civilian airfield unless requested. Investigations will be done by ATSU. You are not trained to do this.
3.0 - Weapons, Uniform & Vehicles
3.1 - Weapons Structure
All Port Authority Officers will be issued a Glock 17 (Combat Pistol, Black Tint, with Flashlight) as their sidearm, however you may also use your personal sidearm as long as it meets the requirements listed below.
Combat Pistol or Pistol
(Use the /leo command)
On Person
Only to be used on land or large vessels
On Person
Flare Gun
Only on vessels
Carbine Rifle or Carbine Rifle Mk2
(Use the /leo command)
In Vehicle and Vessel
Pump Shotgun
(Use the /leo command)
In Vehicle
Nightstick, Flashlight
On Person
Flares, Fire Extinguisher
In Vehicle
If an officer is certified for additional equipment such as Beanbag, Shield, etc, you may carry them unless stated otherwise in their respective SOP’s. These should be used where it makes sense to be taken i.e. don’t take shields on boats.
3.2 - Uniform Structure & other Equipment
Port Authority Uniform
In addition to the regular LEO equipment, Port Officers also carry a Marine Radio (usually tuned to channel 16) and an Air Traffic Radio (usually tuned to Los Santos Center or Guard) in their vehicle.
3.3 - Vehicle Structure
All PA vehicles are to be equipped with roof mounted light bars. Visor light bars are not permitted.
Window Tints is permitted, but officers must be able to see through the windows in broad daylight.
The license plate must contain the officer’s unit number.
Livery command: /pa
Dodge RAM
Ford Fusion
Patrol Boat
No MDT access.
Interceptor Boat
Sea Rescue Boat
Not allowed in Alamo Sea or Cassidy Creek
(Dive Team check the Dive Team SOP)
Examples for Launch of Each Vessel;
Patrol- Shallow Water Areas, Patrolling Alamo Sea and Vespucci.
Interceptor- Main Patrol, Boat Pursuits, Tactical Operations.
Sea Rescue- Main Patrol, Boat Pursuits, Tactical Operations, S&R and Operating in Severe Weather.
3.4 - Vessel Call Signs
Each vessel has different call signs depending on the deployment area of the vessel. TS Names must contain the Callsign or an abbreviation of the Vessel they are operating.
Example: ‘385-O *INT 20*’ or ‘385-O *P 11*’
Port Authority HQ
(43 Plaice Place)
Patrol 10
Interceptor 10
Sea Rescue 10
Vespucci Heliport
(349 Shank Street)
Patrol 20
Interceptor 20
Sea Rescue 20
Sandy Shores Marina
(1017 Marina Drive)
Patrol 30
Interceptor 30
Great Ocean Highway Pier
(near 3001 Route 1)
Patrol 40
Interceptor 40
Sea Rescue 40
Catfish Boathouse
(1053 Catfish View)
Patrol 50
Interceptor 50
Sea Rescue 50
3.5 - Going On-duty
Port Authority Officers can go on duty at any police station in San Andreas. The Port Authority HQ is not considered a police station, so you cannot go on-duty from there.
Make sure to select Port Authority as your subdivision on your MDT.
The callsign for Port Authority is ‘O’ (Ocean or Oscar).
Last updated