Created by Drake M.
SAFR Station 4
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
1.0 - Foundation:
Our mission is to ensure safety for all aircrafts and persons in and directly around Los Santos International Airport. ARFF personnel specialize in aircraft accidents and airport HAZMAT incidents.
1.1 - Enrollment:
ARFF Personnel are firefighters and paramedics who are in peak physique and are able to think and act into the correct course within a moment’s notice. All applicants must meet the following criteria:
Must be a trained FF/EMT (BLS-Cert) or Paramedic (ALS-Cert) (Reserves included).
Must be in good standing within OCRP Gaming.
Must be in good standing with Fire Command.
1.3 - Rank Structure
LSIA Crash Command - Leader of Subdivision and in-charge of making sure ARFF Personnel are in compliance with training and active policies.
Crash Team - Firefighters and Paramedics who have passed ARFF training and are certified to drive the Crash Truck.
1.4 - Chain of Command:
All issues regarding Crash Team are handled by Fire Command and will follow the standard feedback procedure.
1.5 - Disciplinary Action:
All Crash Team personnel are required to adhere to the level of conduct expected of them as firefighters and paramedics. Any personnel found in breach of conduct can be subject to escalating disciplinary action.
2.0 - ARFF Training:
Air Rescue Fire Fighting training will consist of the following items:
Going On Duty,
LSIA Runway & Taxiway Familiarization,
ATC Communication,
Crash Landing Preparation,
Crash Landing & Crashes,
Mass-Casualty Incidents and Triage,
HAZMAT Cargo, and
After-Incident Clean-up.
2.1 - Jurisdiction:
As a San Andreas Fire Rescue Station, Station 4 has secondary jurisdiction over the entire state but has primary jurisdiction over incidents within LSIA over other stations.
2.2 - Response Procedures:
As San Andreas Fire Rescue, it is required that units respond to all Fire and EMS -related emergencies within San Andreas. As Station 4 is airport-side, Station 4 personnel are mandated to have all other stations be committed before responding to emergencies that are not in their primary jurisdiction.
If an apparatus has to drive on or pass-through any active runway or taxiway, they must first get permission via ATC via in-apparatus radio to the tower and then activate their lights while on the runway or taxiway.
The Crash Truck is only allowed on the Airport’s airside. If Station 4 must respond to a call, either on the Airport’s landside or within their secondary jurisdiction, personnel are able to utilize the stored Brush Truck alongside the Medic.
2.3 - Airside Map:
2.4 - Mutual Aid - Port Authority & ASU’s Aerial Accident Investigator (AAI):
The LSIA Crash Team and PA units shall work together to secure scenes of incidents and make clear egress and ingress paths for emergency vehicles.
The LSIA Crash Team will have primary on all aircraft incidents until deemed safe to which they will transfer over control to ASU’s AAI team for the investigation.
3.0 Uniforms & Appearance:
All ARFF personnel shall adhere to the regular duty uniform policy and appearance guidelines of SAFR personnel.
3.2 - Apparatus & Callsigns:
Station 4 ARFF personnel are able to utilize the following apparatus:
Apparatus (Spawn Code) [Callsign]:
Crash Truck (TBD) [Crash 40 OR CR40]
Is a firefighting apparatus specialized in aircraft rescue and fire suppression.
Medic (FIRE2) [Medic 40 OR MED40]
Is a medical response unit that operates either in a BLS or an ALS capacity.
Extra #1: Lightbar [Banned]
Extra #2: Ram Bar [Allowed]
Extra #3: Ram Bar Extension [Allowed]
Extra #4: Extra Box Lights [Allowed]
Extra #5: Highbeam [Allowed] (Can be moved with NumPads “8” & “5”)
Extra #6: Bullhorns [Allowed]
Extra #7: Kussmaul Plug [Allowed in-quarters only]
Extra #8: Box Interior Lights [Allowed]
Extra #9: Left Bay Doors Open [Allowed]
Extra #10: Left Bay Doors Closed [Allowed]
Extra #11: Left & Right Scene Lights [Allowed]
Extra #12: Rear Scene Lights [Allowed]
Brush (FIRE) [Brush 40 OR BRSH40]
Is a rapid-response firefighting apparatus with some technical rescue equipment that the bays have been modified for ARFF.
Extra #1: Front Windshield Wigwags [Required]
Extra #2: Bay Doors - Left [Allowed]
Extra #3: Bay Doors - Right [Allowed]
Extra #4: MDT/MDC [Required]
Extra #5: Running Boards [Required]
3.3 - Identifiers:
Station 4 personnel utilize the F (Foxtrot/Frank) Identifier but will notate CT (Crash Team) behind the station or apparatus designation. (Ex: Adam A. 100-F *STN 4* CT or Adam A. 100-F *CR40* CT)
Last updated