SOP - Riot Police
(1.0) Structure
(1.1) Introduction
WIth Tensions rising around the state of San Andreas a riot division has been created. This unit runs under SWAT due to its shared training, and tactics. Due to staffing issues, select officers will be trained in riot control, use of shields, and crowd control tactics. The goal of R.P.D is to de-escalate, mitigate, and deter acts of violence and lawlessness. This can be small groups or city-wide unrest. R.P.D is a reactionary unit and does not have an active element. Officers who are trained in this division must master composure, de-escalation, and discipline.
(1.2) Enrollment to R.P.D
R.P.D is open to all who meet the following criteria when the division is open for applications, or nominated by a department head when closed.
You are a trained current LEO as a full-time or reserve.
You are in good standing with OCRP Gaming (no points).
Must be in good standing with your departments.
Must be active, well mannered, and professional in patrols.
To think and act independently in a professional, well mannered way.
Must be nominated by a department head.
Must show an understanding and practical use of de-escalation, or the ability to do so.
(1.3) Training
Training for R.P.D will be conducted once you have been nominated and pass the knowledge check. The training will be administered by an authorized S.W.A.T trainer, RPD trainer, or the commander if applicable, and will focus heavily on crowd control, passive/active de-escalation, and organization. Training will be posted as often as trainers have time and/or sufficient trainees. Training will be at a minimum of 4, and a max of 6 due to the personnel requirements, and the amount of time will be needed to train officers. Due to this, trainers have full authority to remove anyone who does not pay attention, or disrupts the class.
(1.4) Command structure and ranks
R.P.D Lead - This is the lead of the division, and is responsible for keeping the SOP up to date. They handle disciplinary issues, and are responsible for the training quality.
The division leader is permitted to have a second in command at the approval of the S.W.A.T commander. They do not have an official rank within the unit, but are to assist the lead of the subdivision as needed. Recommended that they be at least CCE.
Crowd Control Expert (CCE) - These are the trainers of the division, they are responsible for the training of new R.P.D units. They have all the below permissions.
Crowd Control Support Unit (CCSU) - This R.P.D officer has received additional training to operate the crowd control vehicles. They have all the below permissions.
Crowd Control Unit (CCU) - This is the base rank of an officer who has passed training. They are permitted to use all tools besides vehicles used by R.P.D.
(1.5) Mission Statement
R.P.D is an anti violence unit first and foremost, we value the idea that the best way to win a fight is to avoid one altogether. But if needed, let it be us as the shield. Because of this we answer calls of service that may lead to violence. Example is a large gathering starting to turn from peaceful to violent. We hope that our presence, whether visible or not, is the deterrent to prevent an escalation. If not, then we deploy means to disperse or control.
(2.0) Operations
(2.1) Deployment
We are primarily a reactive unit, due to this we are not actively patrolling as RPD. Officers who are trained in RPD may be in reserve, running as a normal unit ready to respond if needed. We are the masters of shields, we train and exercise with them to get our bodies used to them. This way they are less of a emmcomberence to us compared to others. Once an officer is trained to run RPD, and they are running as backup RPD, they are able to keep their equipment in the vehicle. However, due to the size and type of equipment they are restricted to larger vehicles or at the very least one with a full size trunk. Some equipment is on/in RPD vehicles. This is option one, but includes:
Large Riot shield (Non Ballistic)
Riot protection gear (Helmet, chest guard, arm guards, leg guards, equipment harness)
Ballistic shield (active shooter)
Note: Although defacing, vandalism, and other lesser/non violent forms of destroying property can count as rioting in certain circumstances, there is no excuse to escalate or be overly rough with these suspects. This does not mean however that we ignore them, or not arrest them. We are more concerned with the violent persons and agitators. If we have to choose between the former or the latter to arrest, always choose the latter.
As RPD you will be the most visible to the public, and those who gather. It is important that you maintain a professional yet approachable composure. Yes you are there to maintain the peace, and must use your presence to keep others under control. However you are not a machine/statue you may converse with those who approach you just to stay professional. But do not allow them to goad you into losing your cool, they will try this. The best way to get back at them is by not giving them what they want. Keeping your composure as calm, cool, collect, and professional will do more to them than you telling them off.
(2.1A) Ballistic Shield Deployment
Any officer trained in RPD has access to the portable ballistic shield. This is installed in any vehicle in the trunk. You do not have to run a back-up RPD in order to use the shield. It is important to remember that the shield is not a full body shield, it only covers from the waist up; and will only take a limited number of shots before it fails. It is still recommended that you try to use hard cover to protect the lower half of your body. Hard cover is the best type of cover.
Ballistic Shield - R.P.D uses the (ASR IV) 24"x36" NIJ Level IV Ballistic Shield with Viewport, similar to S.W.A.T. Some things to keep in mind with this:
This is not a small or lightweight shield 24"x 36" with 4" x 10" Viewport and weighs 35 lbs with no attachments (LVL III) or up to 45 lbs (LVL IV). This is as much if not slightly more than all the other gear you have on you combined. You're not going to be able to run around with this for long, keep it restricted to running to the closest cover.
Each base shield costs $4500; this does not include the lighting system, or more for level IV. Do Not pull this out unless it's needed. (Do not pull out to use on felony stop, or the like). This is only for active shooters, advancing up to a suspect/area that gun fire was coming from and you need to get up close to secure, or breaching and clearing a building.
Ballistic shields are only meant to last the initial burst of fire to give officers enough time to take cover behind hard cover or to immediately return fire while moving to take hard cover. They are not meant to be used to go toe to toe, the shield will lose effectiveness quickly. This means at some point, the ballistic shield will not stop bullets and you will get hit. Generally this is about 8 small arms rounds; or 5 HP (High powered) rounds, such as assault rifles, and sniper rounds. No counting of hits is needed, but helpful. Easiest way to handle this is to cover ASAP then discard the shield. If a new shield can be brought up without compromising the tactical advantage/situation then do so, if not make due without. (test their ability to advance without a shield, either at start or part way through).
Please keep in mind, the shield itself only provides limited cover. It covers from the waist to just above the head, and slightly wider than the shoulders. They do have a shelf where the wider part of the shield narrows to the smaller part that covers the head. This is not universal to all shields, shields are made differently but are the most common design.
(2.1B) Riot Shield Shield Deployment
The riot shield is specific to RPD and is only carried by RPD officers whether as back-up or active. Normal patrol officers may receive an riot shield by the station armory officer if the need for mobilization of normal LEO units when no RPD are available. In order to do this a riot situation must already be declared and all officers must go to the station to get shields. This is due to the rarity of its use and its size.
Use of the riot shield:
Only RPD officers who are running as back up or active may have the riot shield in their vehicle.
The riot shield covers from the knees, to just above the head. Thin and lightweight.
It is not ballistic, bullets will go through.
You can have the riot shield, riot gear, and ballistic shield in the same vehicle. However, it must be in a full sized trunk, no smaller than the crown vic’s 20.6 cu ft trunk.
At no time are tools and vehicles to be brought out and used unnecessarily. As RPD officers, de-escalation and a peaceful resolution is always on the table, regardless of the alert level. But you are still expected to do it safely. You have to keep in mind the well-being of not only yourself and your fellow officers, but the general public as well.
(2.2) Readiness/Alert Levels
While we can carry our Equipment with us we are not actively at the station waiting to go. The alert readiness level determines our actions to an extent and how we prepare and act. When a situation starts to develop, the primary unit calls in (234 to dispatch, please be advised, raising alert status to condition 1, at location _______). If there is no dispatch, (234 to frequency/comms, raising alert status to condition 1, at location _______).
No Alert
This is the default state of alertness, no active situations needing RPD. At this level the officer patrols as normal, no special conditions or requirements outside of the trunk size/space considerations as mentioned above.
Condition 1 (investigatory/mitigation)
This is the next level (first level) of alert for RPD. This must be activated by dispatch, or the primary unit on scene. At this level all RPD are to be aware of the situation, where it is, and are to do an equipment check. ONE RPD unit is to route to the location and assess the situation. The RPD unit that routes has a few responsibilities:
Assess to see if the situation does in fact warrant the increase in alert status.
If not:
Advise that the alert is being maintained.
Advise that the alert is being canceled.
The RPD officer must do everything in their power to de-escalate the situation, to avoid an increase in alert status.
Provide support, and call in special support as needed.
If the situation is under control the alert must be canceled.
Determine if the current situation is deteriorating to the point of the alert level being increased. If so, the RPD officer is the only one that can increase it to condition 2. The only exception is if the RPD officer is incompacitaed. Supervisors may override this.
Condition 2 (Infield Standby)
The next level of alert status above condition 1. This can be initiated by a RPD officer, or if a call comes in of a group of 4 or more causing substantial damage to life or property.
RPD officers are to stage to a nearby station closest to the situation. They are to remain out of view and not interact, let normal LEO try to calm the situation. One RPD may observe at a distance while remaining clear of the situation. If the primary/scene command starts to get overwhelmed or things get out of control, they or the observing RPD officer may upgrade to the next alert level.
Condition 3 (Soft presence)
At this alert level the RPD officers have some of their equipment on them; the rest are staged with the main bulk of the RPD force. Only some of the officers are visibly present, and are not actively trying to control the flow of the situation. They are using their presence to deter access to areas without actively controlling them, or using their presence to draw attention to the areas they want. Now this does not mean they are not to enforce the law or restricted areas, but are to be very clear with verbal warnings and instructions prior to making an arrest. If things continue to deteriorate then the situation can be upgraded to condition 4.
Condition 4 (Active Control)
At this point things have deteriorated to where riot lines must be formed. Along with some crowd control to move people to different areas. At this point no advanced tools are to be used, just simply walking forward with a shield at most. Is important to remember that you are not to corner or trap the group. This does not mean you cannot arrest the leaders and agitators, but the vast majority should be left alone. If things continue to get worse the situation can be upgraded to condition 5.
Condition 5 (Full Deployment)
This is the highest level of alertness and she only used it as necessary and should not be a common occurrence. At this stage full deployment of all RPD in vehicles is to be brought into use. You are only permitted to arrest the instigators and leaders. Extremely violent persons may also be arrested, just be carefull. Once again you are not to corner the group they must always have a way out. If water cannons are in use you are not under any circumstances to directly hit another living thing/being with them. Above, around, in front of are fine but not direct hits. Non armored riot support vehicles are too form behind the more defensible/armoured ones.
(2.3) Vehicle structure
RPD has access to special vehicles, but they are only to be used when needed by the conditions above.
The RCV or the Riot Control Vehicle Is an armored heavy duty control vehicle with a water cannon, and a crowd control push bar. Only condition 5.
Any marked police vehicle that can temporarily hold suspects with a CAD, so they can be processed. They can then be transported to the station, preferably the department of correction will transfer them from the field to more permanent holding.
Unmarked Surburban to transport RPD officers to locations, and to bring supplies and gear. Use this to be less conspicuous.
(2.4) Uniform structure
RPD officers wear their department uniforms, until the appropriate readiness level. The are to follow the condition guidelines.
Condition 1 - No gear just department uniform.
Condition 2 - Report to the staging location, can change out to black boots, pants and department long sleeve, department polo is also acceptable. RPD officers are to change before going into the field. The rest are to wait to hear if they go to condition 3.
Condition 3 - Those that are still at the station gear up but do not put on the helmet, chest guard, or bring out the shield. They then bring the SUV for those already on scene. Stay hidden when doing so.
Condition 4 and above Full gear
(3.0) Disciplinary
All disciplinary issues will be reviewed and dealt with by the subdivision lead. If they are unable to do so it will be sent up to the SWAT commander. For major policy breaks, they will be sent up to the respective CoC. All instances brought forward will be reviewed in the first story, second story format prior to determining if any action is needed.
(3.1) Infractions and relationships
Leeway is given to develop characters, however there are restrictions to keep in mind. Below are possible violations, explanations, and limitations. If these are abused or misused, they will be removed.
Note: these are for more in character reference, but some do mirror current policy. If you have questions ask. Violations that are not policy breaks, nor excessive the subdivision lead may incur incharater reprimand.
Relationships are personal, and not to be displayed in the work environment. Anything more than a quick peck on the cheek outside of public view while on the facility premises or in public on or off duty is not permitted. Once you are off the clock and off premises, it's not our concern.
You may intentionally not go to and/or be involved in your partner's investigations or scenes. If you unknowingly get caught up in a situation that your partner is involved in, you are to be as distant as possible. No public display of affections, minimal interaction if needed. Complete the task at hand upon arrival once the situation allows, you are to be the first to go back available.
If full deployment is called, and your partner is injured/hospitalized, inform the scene commander, or officer in charge. If possible they will attempt to place you in a supportive role so you can stay informed of your partner's condition while not jeopardizing a critical role, or the situation.
You will remain on scene to assist in the supportive role; you will not be permitted to leave until the situation is under control. Once under control, and you can be replaced, you will then be allowed to leave. You are still expected to assist and perform. We understand that your mind will be elsewhere but people still need you.
While things may get crazy you are still expected to maintain your composure. We understand that you are human, that you have emotions. However you may not act out in any way that is in breach of policy or law. There is no leeway. If you find yourself getting upset with a suspect/person/rioter etc. have someone cover for you and walk away and take a breather. It's better to do that then bottle it up and blow up on someone.
Remember your actions, and words that reflect upon us all. Its one thing to be stern with someone, it's another to be cruel to them. You must be fair, and when possible kind.
If approached by the media, be kind, courteous, and professional. Only speak about the things you know, name, badge number. Do not go into details on anything, (includes deployment areas, and tactics) and direct them to a supervisor if they wish to know more.
Last updated