[2] 17 - Aggravated Battery

Succeeding in causing serious or grievous bodily injury upon someone with a weapon.


Causing serious bodily injury, also referred to as an aggravated battery. A person commits this offence by touching or striking another person in a harmful or offensive manner, such that doing so causes the person to suffer a serious bodily injury. A charge may be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances and the extent of the injuries.


1) A woman comes across a man who is attempting to break into her car to commit auto burglary. He grabs her and clamps his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. She struggles to get free, and he holds her arm more tightly, causing her elbow to be dislocated which is now an injury. 2) Several high school girls are bullying a former friend of theirs. One of them sneaks up behind her while she is looking in the bathroom mirror and pushes her into the mirror. The glass shatters, and she ends up in the hospital receiving multiple stitches.

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